News|July 26, 2017

It’s All About The Drones!

Posted by Robert Starling


I am currently wrapping up this post and our summer newsletter while on a break from teaching a drone workshop in New York with my colleague and fellow FAA licensed drone operator, Eddie Tapp.

As many of you know, I have a deep and rich history of aerial cinematography for companies such as Disney, Marriott, Hilton, MGM, Viacom and major television networks. In the last few years, I have added aerial drone cinematography and stills to the mix.

“The advent of drone aerials have cut costs dramatically. Companies who struggled with $35,000 a day budgets for helicopters can now get incredible aerials for a fraction of the cost”

While there are many freelancers out there who fly drones, many are not FAA licensed much less properly insured. Companies and smart producers alike don’t want to take on the liability of someone not FAA licensedand insured. I’m proud that I’m among the first wave of FAA licensed drone operators for film and commercial work in the US. It’s landed me recent work with Hershey Theme Parks, major Las Vegas casinos, network television and more.
